The developer has not uploaded a game yet...


I just realized that my html5 version is very buggy. Please bare with me for a bit while I see if I can fix it over the weekend.

making a simple test on my idea on spider platformer. 

WASD - move around.

, - Jump.

. - shoot silk(currently nothing yet).

the spider can walk over the solid wall (just like how the real life spider walk from bottom to top of table.). but be careful,  you might fall into the limbo and fall forever.

Please be warned that this is a very early stage of development, so a fair bit of things are buggy and I did not implement the restart or reset button yet. if ever you fall into the limbo, just refresh the webpage. Hopefully I have time to improve on that soon.

I still yet to decide on what the game will finally be. Please suggest and comment so that I can take into consideration. 

Thanks for checking me out.

Development log

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